I'm off to the pub right about now, but I figured I'd let you know the randomness in my life.
The other day I was shopping with my friend Jessica and I was just looking at people while walking and there I see a naked man. Yes my friends. Naked from head to toe. No underpants at all. I warned Jessica so she only saw the side of him. We just kept giggling and kept walking. Then we look down and see a big pile of clothes, shoes and all. We laughed even harder! We saw some cops and walked up to them and told them and apparently nobody had told the police. They were shocked and headed towards him.
Another random is that
I went to Speaker's Corner again. It's a place in Hyde Park where people are free to preach and say whatever they want. Along with that, people are welcome to argue with them. So a nice old man turned around after being sick of one person and looked at me and asked if my tattoos were real. I told him yes and he said "why did you destroy God's body?" and I replied with "This isn't God's body. This is my body" and he kept arguing with me about it. He also kept saying how I was going to burn in hell for my sins and ruining God's body. I did get a bad sunburn, but that was about it. Ha face God!
My trip is random. I still get sad thinking about leaving soon.. Well 3 weeks. But I just don't want to. I want to stay here and live here. If it were possible, I wouldn't come home.
I'm off to the pub.
Miss you guys!
sorry.. but you have to come home!
ReplyDeleteHarold and I got your postcards!! We were soo exciting! My god I miss you! I know you're sad to come home soon but I'm marking the days on my calendar!